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FindPublishingHelp.com is a free service that delivers the best publishing matches to writers and prospective authors. Receive literary assistance and professional consultations to help publish your book. Whether you're looking to top the best-sellers list or publish for a niche market, we can help you establish relationships with publishing companies and bring your book to life.
Learn about the publishing process and get information on timeline, pricing, and royalties. Remain in control of your manuscript and simply receive support for your book. With so many literary agents and publishing companies out there, it can be difficult to choose between them all. We are here to help you navigate the industry and choose the publishing house that is right for you.
It is the dream of many writers to hold a copy of their own book - the ultimate realization of all that hard work. Create your own book in whatever form you wish: from self publishing to digital eBooks, paperback to hardcover... there is a literary agent for every situation. No matter what your aspirations or goals may be, we can help you become a published author and make your book a reality.