

Work With an Experienced Editor to Perfect Your Project

At TypeRight, we make the editing process as transparent as possible. When you send in your document for a free sample edit, we’ll look it over and assign it to an editor who has experience working on your genre. Your editor will review 1,000 words of your project for free and send you back a sample edit so you know exactly what to expect from us.

Levels of Editing

Your editor will also recommend a level of editing. Everyone has different needs, budgets, and expectations when it comes to editing. That’s why we have three options to choose from.

Line Editing

Line editing is the most in-depth service we offer. Sometimes editors refer to this as "developmental editing" or "substantive editing," but a line edit at TypeRight takes this to the next level, as a line edit also includes copy editing. Our line editing actively improves your writing—not only the style and flow, but also the plot and characters. In a line edit, we can rewrite/rephrase sentences, reorganize paragraphs, remove content that does not move the story forward, and leave suggestions where we recommend adding detail or story content. We won’t add new scenes or characters for you, but if that is what the book needs, we may recommend you do so in the included editorial critique.

Copy Editing

A copy edit reduces redundancy and repetition, catches inconsistencies, and improves flow and readability. We’ll restructure clunky sentences and may alter your word choices to improve clarity. Some editors refer to a copy edit as a "content edit." The goal here is to improve the writing quality and clarity without affecting your personal writing style. A copy edit does not include reviewing the plot and characters for inconsistency, and your editor will not make recommendations to improve the plot. For these services, you will need a line edit.


A proofread corrects minor grammar errors, spelling mistakes, and misused punctuation. No content editing takes place in a proofread; this is strictly for cleaning up any remaining errors. Confident authors who have published before often use this service. Note that not all projects qualify for proofreading services; if content changes are necessary to improve the grammar, a copy edit is the minimum level of editing allowed. If you send in a document for a free sample edit, your editor can tell you if a proofread will work for your project.


Our pricing depends on the number of words in the document, and you can get an instant price quote by visiting our website.

Services Available

Line Editing, Copy Editing, Proofreading, Book Cover Design, Typesetting


30 N Gould St
Sheridan, WY 82801

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